In Every Job That Must Be Done
We last posted a work by Dina Amin about a year ago in April of 2018. She recently shared another one of her works with us here at Stop Motion Planet.
“My very first lip-sync animation!
Uploaded to Youtube by dinaa amin.
“I am a product designer from Egypt who discovered her love for stop motion. Since I am a self taught stop motion animator, to teach myself how to lip sync this is what I’ve done:
”I recorded what the characters would say, I wrote it down phonetically to try and figure out what kind of shapes and sounds are there, then after I identified key shapes, I video recorded myself saying the script then traced the key shapes from my phone (just like how the pros do it, i know!) then I scanned these into photoshop and made a mouth set. I then imported my mouth set in Dragonframe and started testing the lip sync. I sculpted the tiny mouths from regular plasticine, made my characters out of regular items I had around and started animating.”
For more with Dina Amin, try these other links:
Uploaded to Youtube by dinaa amin.
And here is a making-of video by the animator explaining the process she went through to produce her stop-motion lip-sync animation!