Kickstarter Campaign uses Stop-motion For STEM education — Stop Motion Planet
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Kickstarter Campaign uses Stop-motion For STEM education

Intellisense from Budapest, Hungary is kickstarting a product aimed to teach children different science concepts through stop-motion movie making!

Images from Intellisense Kickstarter campaign

Images from Intellisense Kickstarter campaign

Intellisense, a software technology specialist company, focuses on STEM subjects and ways to teach/learn science though different software. They are most known for products like LabCamera, Matek, Fizika and ClapMotion. Cut N’ Learn is a brand new product line that the Intellisense team has been really excited to work on and bring to the market. Here is what they have to say about Cut N' Learn:

Children are fascinated about movie making and animation creation which gives the idea to integrate stop motion animation into Science education. We provide ready-to-go animation kits to children, with which they can create spectacular animations in a very short time, within 30 minutes.

With the help of these Stop Motion Science kits, children can learn about different science topics while they animate and have fun without even realizing that they are learning. The kits contain all the necessary elements, scientific explanations and an innovative stop motion app with a built in image stabilization system allowing kids to snap pictures from hand, instead of using a holder, eliminating one of the pain points of stop motion.

We love anything to do with stop motion and are thrilled that this company is finding a fun and innovative way to use stop-motion to educated children. Please consider making a contribution to their Kickstarter campaign here!!!

Watch their Kickstarter video on our Daily Animation page!!!