Massachusetts based company hosts a stop-motion workshop! — Stop Motion Planet
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Massachusetts based company hosts a stop-motion workshop!

North Andover CAM, a broadcasting and media production company, is hosting a stop-motion animation workshop this week through April 21st.


Located in North Andover, MA the company is focused on giving those in their local community opportunities to create their own video and multimedia content. Once of the ways they are doing that is through a week long stop-motion animation workshop. Below is an overview of the class from their event on Facebook.

April Vacation - Stop Motion Animation Workshop
Learn how to animate using classic stop motion techniques and create your very own cartoon.
Sign up early! Workshops fill up fast!
All production materials are included, but feel free to bring extra materials you might want to use. Like lego, action figures, barbies, art supplies, etc.
This workshop will run during April Vacation.
April 17th - 21st
10am - 2pm
Members - $40
Non-members - $40
This workshop is for grades 4 through 8
Email Susan at or call the studio at (978)687-6570 for more information.

Visit their Facebook page to learn more about the company and see some pics of the workshop.

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