Crowd funded stop-mo film to be shown at Aspen Shortsfest. — Stop Motion Planet
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Crowd funded stop-mo film to be shown at Aspen Shortsfest.

Bartleby from By the By Productions is scheduled to make it's debut at Aspen Shortsfest tomorrow afternoon. Creators Laura Naylor and Kristen Kee based this stop-motion film off the Herman Melville book, Bartleby the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street. 

It began as a dream when the pair met while working in a finance tower. After they complete a script in late 2015 they looked toward crowd funding on Kickstarter in April of 2016. Naylor and Kee had this to say about their project,

Bartleby is a classic tale of how to waste one’s life in a modern office. And of how to stop doing that. Sort of. Our story begins as a handful of motley attorneys putter away in their open office cubes, led by a limp, uninspiring boss -- until Bartleby arrives(!). And with him the notion of opting out. Of saying nope, no, I don’t think so. Actually, I would prefer not to. I would very much prefer not to. What is a boss to do…? Let’s not spoil the ending.

Rather than hire a voice over actor to bring the dialogue to life, Naylor and Kee used post production effects. They allowed the typed words from the book to spew from the puppets they created. Stop motion is a very time consuming and precise process, "Every ~8 second shot (that takes a day to shoot) is rife with risks -- that we will bump the table and have to start the shot all over, for example."

If you are able to catch this short in person you should!!! In the meantime watch the trailer below and visit their Kickstarter campaign to learn more.

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