Laika will be featured at Portland Art Museum — Stop Motion Planet
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Laika will be featured at Portland Art Museum

By M.O. Stevens at en.wikipedia - Transferred from en.wikipedia; Transfer was stated to be made by User:Werewombat., Public Domain,

By M.O. Stevens at en.wikipedia - Transferred from en.wikipedia; Transfer was stated to be made by User:Werewombat., Public Domain,

Laika has been busy recently with a merchandising announcement earlier this month and now a showcase coming to the Portland Art Museum.

“Portland Art Museum and Northwest Film Center are thrilled to partner with LAIKA to present the wonders of this distinct enterprise,” said Brian Ferriso, The Marilyn H. and Dr. Robert B. Pamplin Jr. Director and Chief Curator of the Portland Art Museum. “LAIKA at its core is an artistic endeavor that embraces the past and infuses it with a 21st-century vision. LAIKA’s aesthetic vocabulary continues to be shaped by the people and uniqueness of this special state.”

Live in the Portland area or visiting between OCT 14, 2017 – MAY 20, 2018? Check out their website here to hear more about the showcase!

Scott CulpepperComment